Combat in Strategic Map Mode
During the competition on the Strategic Map, a sea battle between ships or teams of ships as well as battle on an island may occur.
I. Naval Battle
A naval battle may occur when one side spots an enemy unit, comes close enough to it to be within attack range, and gives the order to attack it. The naval battle - when it occurs - is played automatically, according to the tactics set by the player. Many factors are considered to calculate the outcome of it. These include the weather, the parameters of the ships participating in the battle, the parameters of the pirates that make up their crew and the items in their equipment.
The effect of a sea battle can be damaged ships and seized/lost cargo.
II. Land battle
Battles for islands located in rough waters are played out in an analogous manner. Once the attacking armada is indicated and arrives at its target, the battle begins. If the island is defended by some coastal garrison, or at least one ship, the offshore battle begins, under rules similar to the naval battle with the additional participation of defensive guns located on the island.
If the attacking fleet wins the shore skirmish, one of three attack types chosen by the invader takes place:
âĒ Raid - an attempt to raid and steal resources. âĒ Sabotage - an attempt to do as much damage as possible to the infrastructure located on the island. âĒ Invasion - an attempt to take control of the island.
The result of a land battle can be damaged ships, buildings, loss of raw materials from the vault, or loss of control of the island.
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