The Pirate Collection consists of 5000 female pirates. Each NFT in this collection belongs to the Genesis subtype and is unique, as the image of the female pirate was generated from among hundreds of different traits, and additionally, from traits available only for this collection.

Features: By owning or renting the Genesis Female Pirate, you will unlock access to PvP game mode. The Female Pirate can be used in Economy Mode (to build and operate buildings) or Strategy Mode (to man ships).

Genesis Female Pirates can reproduce, and they have access to their very small private island, which is not an NFT token. The vast majority of them have integrated items on them, with different functionalities. This could be additional functionality for PvP Mode (MOBA), Economy Mode (Private Island), Strategy Mode (World Map), or a bonus for passive $ARRC token accrual from treasury.

The Genesis Female Pirates accrue $ARRC token from treasury depending on the bonuses they hold. The amount of received $ARRC is dependent on the percentage of the Female Pirate in relation to all Participants in the pool of Genesis rewards, allocated from the treasury on a given day.

With the acquisition of the Genesis Female Pirate, we can receive items that are permanently integrated with them. They have the same functionality as items from the Items NFT Collection, about which you will read more in the section: Items NFT Collection.

If you want to find out what items you can get with Genesis Female Pirate and what they are used for, visit the section Appendix: Number and Type of Visual Items of Pirates.

Ranking: Due to the complexity of their functionality and the multidimensionality of their qualities, creating a clear ranking of Female Pirates is not easy. Because of this, we have decided to introduce our internal system of rating the quality of Female Pirates. Despite our best efforts, this ranking presents only averaged, approximate values. Each Female Pirate owner should evaluate her based on their beliefs and thoughts. Our current pirate ranking is available at: https://arrland.com/rarity/

Genesis Female Pirates can be purchased with $RUM token.

Last updated