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The collection of items originally consists of 20,000 items that will provide the player with the ability to take advantage of additional features of the game, change the appearance, or enhance the characteristics of the character. Some items will be multi-functional.
Players obtain the items from a chest, which they can purchase (by logging onto our website: The items can also be received as rewards during the game or obtained from the secondary market. With the purchase of the Genesis Pirate or the Pirate of Tenset Island, we can get items that are permanently integrated with them. They have the same functionality as items from the Items NFT Collection.
Items in this collection will have many uses in the Arrland Metaverse. Due to their rarity, they are divided into: • Legendary • Rare • Uncommon • Common
These items are also divided according to their use. We distinguish the following types: • Weapons • Tools • Jewels • Clothing • Valuables and orders • Special items