The Pirates of the Arrland game is a 3D game set in the authorial world of Pirates of the Arrland. It is constantly evolving, by developing and adding new features.
The game can be played in three modes:
1. Battle Arenas 2. Private Islands 3. World Map
During gameplay, the player assigns tasks to his subordinates, or plays the role of a chosen character and controls them as their avatar. This allows them to roam the fantastic world of Arrland, developing and enriching their hero, as well as their treasury, assigned to a given wallet address. Importantly, all the most essential elements present in the game such as the pirate, ship, lands, and items, are NFT tokens located on the player's wallet. Thus, it is the player who has full rights to them and can sell or lend them to other players.
Depending on the selected gameplay type, the world of Arrland is presented through different types of cameras. The player can observe the environment from a first-person perspective (FPP), third-person perspective (TPP), from above (top-down view), or with a free camera.
To actively participate in the game, a player must rent or own at least one Male Genesis Pirate, Female Genesis Pirate, Pirate from the Tenset Island or Young Pirate. In case they have more than one pirate, there is an option of playing each of them, but only one at a time.
Each pirate in the world of Arrland, is mapped as a three-dimensional character, which can be seen from all sides, from a third-person perspective. Moreover, the player can modify the appearance of their pirate as well as their characteristics, with various items.
Choice of pirate
Pirates not actively controlled by a player, can be assigned to perform automatic tasks, such as mining, producing goods, operating a market, or operating a ship. However, it should be remembered that sometimes playing as a chosen pirate, causes cancellation of the progress of the activity to which they were previously assigned (e.g., producing cannonballs), or taking control of a given pirate will not be possible until they complete their mission (e.g., completing a voyage). In some cases (e.g., operating a marketplace), there is no negative effect and a given pirate can be immediately assigned to perform other tasks. The game, when changing the persona of an active pirate, always requires the player to confirm this decision.
Since pirates are characterized by great diversity, it is important to choose a pirate who can best deal with a given task. Therefore, their items and skills they possess will make the activity performed more efficiently. In some cases, the player who plays the role of a given pirate cannot perform certain activities if an item of a given type is required for a given task, and the chosen pirate does not have any of them.
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