Private Island
The player can browse the private islands belonging to them through the pirate (in first-person and third-person camera modes), as well as through the free camera.
I. Island decoration and relaxation
While on a Private Island in one' s possession, the player can perform a wide variety of activities. First, they can be creative and decorate the environment according to their idea and taste. For this, they can use various elements available in the game or NFT items. It will depend on the player's decision whether their island will resemble a tropical paradise or inspire terror and fear.
The player can spend time on the island indulging in various pleasures such as fishing. They can also invite other players to the island and even organize their own adventures or tournaments with prizes.
II. Expanding the economic potential of the island
The player can expand their economic power by growing various crops, mining raw materials, processing raw materials, trading and creating goods. These activities are possible after constructing an appropriate building and staffing it with enough pirates with the right tools. Larger Private Islands allow the player to create more complex buildings and run a complex economy
Each pirate has their own Very Small Private Island, which by default is their home island. Young Pirates can use their very small island for recreational and demonstration purposes only and cannot create economic activities on the island.
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