Future possible development
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The Pirates of the Arrland game is being developed modularly. In a similar way, the game will continue to be developed after the basic production cycle is completed.
In further development of the game, the team will take into account many factors such as the size of the community, the number of players, current trends among games and blockchain solutions, economic conditions, new technologies and many others. In designing and developing further modules of the game, the Arrland community's voice will also be taken into account, as well as the result of PIRATE REPUBLIC polls and votes.
The following will briefly outline some possible development paths for the project - the vision and direction we want to take in the future.
However, currently, as the creators of the Arrland Metaverse, we cannot guarantee partial or full implementation of the following ideas.
One of the considered development paths, will be the creation of a campaign.
In addition to introducing a storyline and deepening information about the Arrland archipelago, a version of this game will allow players to try out many Items, Ships, Spells, and other Elements previously unavailable to the player.
In addition, some content extracted from this section may be published on various gaming sites to reach the widest possible number of people.
Another of the modes planned to be created is a cooperative mode.
Performing tasks together, experiencing adventures, overcoming adversity and winning prizes will certainly add a lot of entertainment for participants.
Developing the Arrland Metaverse with more archipelagos and related functionalities could be its another element.
Does the ocean surrounding the tropical archipelago hide other fantastic creatures, lands and challenges?
Certainly, an important part of the game will become a version that can be run on mobile devices.
In part, the functionality of such game will be limited. However, players will certainly appreciate the ability to manage the economic and strategic plane of the game on a handy mobile device.
One of the planned solutions is to create an option for conquering an island modelled on the gameplay performed in the battle arena.
Such a landing would be carried out in real time and would be a more elaborate option for taking over land in rough waters.
Also, the interesting plan is to expand the strategic layer with optional battles carried out in tactical mode or also in real-time.
Certainly, naval battles, the possibility of boarding and fighting aboard enemy ships, will provide players with a significant number of positive emotions.