Strategic World Map
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In the Strategic World Map view mode, the player can make strategic decisions about their islands, ships, resources, and Pirates.
The Strategic World Map is divided into a series of cubes that present all the islands located in the Arrland archipelago. It also shows the location of all the player's ships, along with their crew, cargo, and their destination. Groups of their ships called armadas are also made visible. Note that the speed of an armada is equal to the speed of the slowest ship included in it. In addition to the players' private islands, the map also shows islands that are available to all players.
These islands include, among others: ā¢ Arrland Island ā¢ Island of the Pirate ā¢ King Tenset Island ā¢ Merchant Guild Island
On this map, it is possible to define strategic objectives for the ships, giving appropriate orders to the crew, ships, and armadas. The player can also define various tactics that will automatically be taken by their Pirates. This allows the gameplay to continue despite the player's absence, such as during sleep, school, work, or vacation. However, it should be remembered that the changing conditions of the Archipelago, as well as the cunning of some Pirates, cause a good host to check the situation from time to time and adjust accordingly to the current conditions.
On the strategic world map, all ships detected by the player's ships, the locations of naval battles initiated by their enemies, as well as potential battles that the player may initiate themselves, are also marked. In the strategic world map mode, it is also possible to carry out trading activities.
Game time on the strategic world map runs in turns that correspond to a certain period of time in the real world. The player, giving orders to a given unit, sees when it will arrive at the selected target. This makes it possible to coordinate attacks between ships arriving at a specific destination from different locations.
Some actions, such as a naval battle, land battle, and loading or unloading of goods, can take more than one turn.
The Arrland Archipelago is divided into two parts: safe waters and rough waters.
Safe waters are the region of the archipelago where every ship can feel safe because they know they will not be attacked by anyone. In the safe waters lie all the players' private islands. These islands cannot be seized by anyone by force.
If a player enters rough waters, they risk losing the cargo they carry, but they can also seize cargo belonging to other players. In rough waters, there are islands that players can compete for and take control of. A player who has control of an island located in an area of rough waters receives profits from it. An island located in this area cannot be set as a home island. Sometimes sailing through the region of rough waters is worthwhile despite the risks involved, as it significantly shortens the distance between two distant regions of the archipelago.